Indulgent Raw Chocolate Pudding

This is one of my all time favorite breakfasts…yes, that’s right…breakfast! Avocados consist of all your macro nutrients: good fat to feel satisfied and nourish your hormones, protein to give you lasting energy and healthy carbs to feed your brain. Raw cacao is an amazing superfood that is energizing and full of antioxidants. Sounds better than a bowl full of Wheaties, huh?

1 medium ripe avocado

3 tbsp raw cacao powder (I recommend Navitas Naturals brand)

1 tsp vanilla flavoring

6 drops of vanilla flavored Stevia drops


1/2 tbsp raw honey

½ c. coconut water/regular water (coconut water will make it sweeter)

¼ c. coconut milk

*Cinnamon (optional)

Mint leaves or berries (garnish)

·        In a blender or food processor, add vanilla flavoring, coconut water/water, coconut milk, cacao powder and avocado (in that order).

·       Begin blending on low and slow. Add water slowly if mixture is too think for your blender.

·       Turn off blender and taste mixture. This may be sweet enough for you, if not, add Stevia drops OR raw honey slowly, tasting the mixture to get your required level of sweetness.

·       Add cinnamon (optional) and blend on high speed for 2 minutes.

·       Spoon into a cute dessert dish, garnish with mint/berries and indulge!

·       To really make this into a SUPER pudding, add 1 scoop spiraling or fermented greens and a tsp Maca powder before blending. You will be jammed packed with energy and stamina (in all forms of the word;)

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