Bountiful Beet, Carrot and Avocado Salad

I admit that I have an obsession with not only avocados but beets as well! This salad is the perfect marriage between my two loves and one that I indulge in quite frequently. Add in pine nuts or walnuts to really jack it up!


1 medium fresh red or yellow beet

2 medium size carrots

2 kale leaves


3 sprigs of fresh thyme

½ medium ripe avocado

2 tbsp cold pressed extra virgin olive oil

1 tsp apple cider vinegar

Sea salt to taste

Wash all fresh vegetables before starting—do not peel*


·        Slice beets and carrots into bite size pieces.

·       Chop kale stems and tear kale leaves into bite size pieces and add to beets and carrots.

·       In a large separate bowl, combine olive oil, apple cider vinegar and sea salt.

·       Remove fresh thyme from sprigs and add to olive mixture.

·       Add vegetables into large bowl of oil blend and mix until vegetables are well coated. Slice avocado and add to salad, tossing lightly.

Serve at room temperature or chill in refrigerator before serving.

TO MAKE INTO A FULL MEAL: Add ½ c. cooked quinoa or black rice to salad.

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