Over time, certain lifestyle, diet choices and stress management behaviors cause an imbalance to our system on a biological level. This throws hormones such as cortisol and insulin out of whack resulting in unpleasant symptoms that affect the way we feel day in and day out.
Some of the symptoms may seem subtle or not too problematic for quite some time. However, these are little red flags that things are out of balance.
You can get away with ignoring these red flags for quite awhile. You may feel like crap on a regular basis but you will get by. With time, chronic inflammation can develop in the body, which may cause more serious health issues that you won't be able to so easily ignore or live with.
The good news is that MOST people can make HUGE progress when it comes to getting their body's rhythm back on track. With the right tools, guidance and motivation, I have seen numerous people report improvements in almost all areas of concern regarding their health. It is a pretty amazing and empowering thing to observe!
The Back to Food 10-Day Reset is designed to give you a set of simple yet effective strategies to greatly improve the way you look, feel and interact with your life.
Some of the strategies may seem like no brainers, and its true, they are! However, I go into detail as to WHY each strategy is important and HOW to actually implement them.