Winter Squash and Apple Soup with Cashew Cream

3 squash acorn, butternut, buttercup, Kabucha

1 medium apple

1/2 onion

3 carrots

3 stalks celery

4-5 cups vegetable stock

1 cup half/half optional or full fat coconut milk

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp tumeric

2 bay leaves

Sea Salt and Pepper to taste


1.     Cut open and remove seeds from squash.

2.     Lightly brush with olive oil/coconut oil and salt and pepper well.

3.     Roast in oven for 35-40 minutes until fork tender.

4.     In large soup pot sauté onion, carrot, celery and apple in 2 tbsp olive oil, coconut oil, or butter till tender. Add in squash scraped from skins and sauté five more minutes.

5.     Add in stock, bay leaves, and seasonings for twenty minutes.

6.     Remove bay leaves, blend with immersion blender, or carefully transfer to blender in small batches until smooth.

7.     Taste and adjust sea salt and pepper as needed.

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