The Cure-All Juice

Chalk one up for the juices! I am really excited about this one because I actually enjoyed it. That’s right folks, no gagging, sour faces or wincing. This one was a delightful drink to start the day with. Apples really can turn any juice full of vegetables into a sweet little treat.

Plus, this bad boy is a true savior when it comes to the morning after a late night of frivolities. Actually, it is a savior when you are feeling down in the dumps for any reason (cold, poor sleep, menstrual complaints, bad break-up…you get my point.)

REMEMBER: What vegetables, fruits and spices that work for me, may not work for you. Listen to your gut. Literally, your stomach will tell you right away if it likes what you juiced. Some of the juices in the beginning will have sweeter vegetables in them. I am not going to nose dive straight into dark leafy greens. Baby steps, remember? Yes, there will be somewhat of an adjustment period but I don’t want anyone choking down anything. Got it?

Meet my juice’s A-Team:

Apples-“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is not to be taken lightly. Apples are extremely high in anti-oxidant rich nutrients such as vitamin C. Johnny Appleseed must have known the positive effects apples have on your digestive health due to pectin (fiber), lung and heart health (anti-inflammatory flavanoids) and even its ability to regulate cell to cell communication within the body.[1]

Beets– Ah, beets. Another love of mine. These bloody babies are one of the most used vegetables throughout history for improving circulation, purifying blood, can promote menstruation and has amazing benefits on the liver. [2]

Carrots– Other than being jacked with Beta-carotene (vitamin A) which has been associated with boosting the immune system [1], carrots have been shown to support heart and lung health. carrots are alkaline-forming and have been connected with clearing up acidic blood conditions, protecting against cancer and . [2]

The skin of the produce is extremely nutritious and dense with fiber and anti-oxidants, so I recommend keeping them on. So using organic produce is a MUST. Usually I say organic whenever possible but it is even more important when juicing or blending in my case.

[1] Mateljan, George. The World’s Healthiest Foods. Seattle, WA: GMF Publishing, 2007.

[2] Pitchford, Paul. Healing with Whole Foods. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2002.


3/4 medium apple

*I used a gala apple but you can really use any apple you like. Just remember, green=more tart while red=sweeter

1/2 medium beet

1 half of medium carrot

1 c. filtered water

1 tsp ginger (optional)


·       Place water, carrot and beet into blender or food processor

*For all of you blessed enough to have a juicer, you will want to follow the guidelines to your juicer as to the proper order of inserting the vegetables

·       Blend on high until mixture is liquified

·       Add in apple and blend on high again for 2-3 minutes or until liquified

·       The pulp will start to surface at the top of the juice. You can either leave it in (highly recommended for added fiber and vitamins) or remove using a spoon to scoop it out.

·       Add optional ginger and blend again for 30 sec.

·       Pour into glass and voila!

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